
How To Make A Patchwork Quilt By Hand For Beginners

Learn to make an easy patchwork lap quilt on today Making your commencement quilt can feel a little intimidating, but I've got an easy tutorial with a simple patchwork pattern that will go out y'all feeling pretty proud of yourself when you're finished! This simple throw quilt is the perfect size for lounging on the couch or wrapping up in first thing on a chilly morning. Also, if yous're working on handmade gifts this holiday season, this one volition solidify your standing as the most thoughtful ever.

Easy Beginner's Quilt Supplies Supplies:
-i cut of fabric measuring 31″ 10 43″ for the front
-five cuts of various fabric prints measuring 8″ x 43″ (yous tin can have 2 of the aforementioned)
-one cut of fabric measuring 43″ x 66″ for the backing
-cotton batting measuring 43″ x 66″ (go this cut from the bolt instead of buying a prepackaged piece)
-embroidery thread
-embroidery needle
-straight pins
-rotary cutter and healing mat (optional)
-iron and ironing board
-sewing machine and thread

Note: I propose prewashing all fabrics in warm water and on a medium tumble dry to preshrink everything. Then I suggest ironing your fabrics for the most polish cuts and even lines.

Step One Step One: Cut v strips that measure 8″ 10 43″ if yous oasis't already. I cutting these five strips out of four different fabrics so I had two of the aforementioned. You'll also want to cut one large piece that is about 31″ x 43″. These volition make up the top side of your quilt one time sewn together.

Lay Out Fabrics The trick to having your patchwork quilt await great is choosing fabrics with prints and colors that piece of work well together. I suggest choosing betwixt 5-6 different prints that work well together, and then making certain that if y'all're using the same material twice, those ii pieces don't touch each other. I had mine arranged a sure style, and and then realized I didn't want the two prints that were the same overlapping each other, so I rearranged them over again.

Lay your material down and then that your big slice is in 1 corner and standing tall like a building. Then identify two strips of fabric to the correct of the big piece and the other three strips on top. This will be your pattern, but you lot can mess with the strips until you are happy with the order of the prints.

Step2 Step Two: Starting with the two vertical strips, identify ane on top of the other so that the right sides of the cloth are facing each other and match upward your edges. Pivot these two pieces together along the right border as shown. I space my pins about six″- 8″ apart. Sew along your pinned edge. Make sure to leave well-nigh ane/4″ seam allowance from the edge to where your needle is stitching through. Remove pins.

Step3 Stride Three: Unfold your 2 strips and lay them face down on your ironing board. Iron the back seam to one side. This helps flatten your fabric and makes for smoother matching up of strips down the road. Repeat this process of sewing your top three strips together as well.

IMG_3275 Step Four: In one case your height three strips are sewn together (and remember I later went back and ripped these three strips out and rearranged them because I got distracted during this procedure and didn't realize my two like fabrics were touching. Not a large bargain, just I didn't like how it changed the pattern), sew your two vertical strips to the long edge of your largest cut of fabric. Printing flat with your iron.

As y'all can meet, the iii pieces of fabric on the lesser now equal the length of the vertical strips above. Sew the 2 pieces together and press flat with your iron.

IMG_3279 This is what the back of your quilt top should await like.

IMG_3289 Stride 5: Place your cotton wool batting on the floor and smooth it out. Sometimes I tape the edges to the wood floor, but it'southward not necessary. Then place your backing cloth on pinnacle of the batting and then that the edges lucifer up and the correct side of the fabric is facing you. Finally, identify your quilt acme on tiptop of information technology all with the right side facing downwardly abroad from you. Match up the edges and so pin them all together like a sandwich. I pin every 8″ or so forth the perimeter besides equally every ten″ in the middle of the quilt.

We are only manus tying this quilt, otherwise nosotros'd be pinning much closer together.

IMG_3290 Stride Six: Before you showtime sewing, fold back a section of your quilt top that is roughly 12″ long and pin. This volition exist your opening marking so that you can turn your quilt correct side out. Then stitch along the perimeter of your quilt about one/4″ from the edge of the quilt top (except for the opening that you simply pinned). You may take backlog batting or your back side may be wider than your superlative. Just be sure you're stitching through all three layers all the way around.

Step 6 Step Seven:Trim your edges for a cleaner fold and trim off the corners. Just be sure not to cutting into the stitching. Turn your quilt right side out and flatten out. You can come across where the opening is in the photo above. Mitt sew that closed and yous're almost done!

Hand Tied Step Eight: Instead of automobile quilting your quilt, you're going to hand-tie information technology together. Beginning your showtime knot 4″ in from the lesser corner and and so add together another knot every 8″ across and viii″ up. Stitch through all iii layers and tie a double knot. Trim your ends to nigh 2/three″.

Hand Tied Quilt You lot did information technology!

Let's Make A Quilt Get Cozy In Your First Handmade Quilt Give a daughter a quilt, and she'll want a volume to go with it. If y'all give her a book, she'll ask y'all for some java and a cozy chair. If y'all requite her a coffee and a cozy chair, you tin kiss the afternoon goodbye considering she'south going to be there awhile!

Enjoy your new skill and go make a few more for the special people in your life! xo. –Rachel

Credits//Author:Rachel Denbow. Photography: Rachel and Brett Denbow. Photos edited using the ABM Signature Drove.


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