
How Make Fake Nails At Home With Hot Glue

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Imitation nails can be expensive, but luckily, information technology is possible to brand inexpensive ones at home using straws. With a little flake of fourth dimension and inventiveness, you lot can create realistic-looking imitation nails for much less than what you lot'd get in a store. One time you have them applied, you can paint them just like y'all would your own nails!

  1. 1

    Split a straw open from 1 finish to the other. Open a scissors and insert ane of the points into the terminate of a straw. Cut the straw open up towards the other end.[1]

    • Use a clear straw, a white straw, or a straw that is the color you want your nails to be.
  2. 2

    Snip the straw down to the length you want your nail to be. Open up the split straw and fit it over the end of your finger. Brand sure that the end of the straw is resting against the bottom of your boom. Decide how long you want the fake nail to be, then cut the straw.[2]

    • Near fake nails are about 14 to 12 inch (0.64 to 1.27 cm) longer than your actual boom.


  3. iii

    Cutting the straw segment to the width of your nail. Chances are, the split-open straw is too wide for your nail. Open up the dissever straw segment, and cut the sides downward until it fits the width of your smash.[3]

  4. four

    Cut the top and bottom ends of the straw to adjust your nail. This footstep requires a lot of eyeballing and measuring the straw segment confronting your nail, so endeavor your best. Cut the bottom end of the straw segment to friction match the bottom curve of your nail. Cut the top end of the segment into the shape you desire. For case:

    • Cutting the segment direct across for a square nail. Taper the sides for a coffin nail.
    • Snip the corners of the top for a rounded-foursquare nail.
    • Cut the straw into a curve for a rounded nail. The further downwardly you start the curve, the narrower it will be.
  5. 5

    Repeat the process to cut the residual of your simulated nails. At this point, it would be a good idea to label your nails L1 to L5, and R1 to R5. Write the label on the within of the smash with a pen. L1 to L5 is for your left hand, and R1 to R5 is for your correct hand; start with your pollex and cease with your pinkie.

    • Try to make all of the nails the same length.
    • Some straws accept a crimped segment to allow for bending. Do not utilise this segment!
  6. half dozen

    Open the nails and weigh them downward for 2 to 10 minutes. Even though you cut the straw open, the plastic still wants to curl into a tube. You need to flatten the plastic out a little and then that it doesn't curl equally much. Prepare a heavy volume on the table, flatten the nails, and then slide them under the book. Leave them there for two to 10 minutes.[four]

    • The nails won't exist completely flat, which is fine. The goal here is to flatten the plastic so that information technology doesn't curl equally much.


  1. 1

    Utilise a base glaze to your real nails, then let information technology dry out. You tin can employ any formula yous want, but a ii-in-1 formula will work the all-time. Do all of your nails, then let the base coat dry. This will assist prep your nails for the smash glue in the side by side step.[5]

    • Skip this step if you desire to temporarily attach the fake nails to your real nails.
  2. two

    Utilise smash glue to your kickoff nail, so press the matching simulated nail into information technology. Get nail glue meant for attaching faux nails; you tin find it in a beauty supply shop or a drug shop. Apply a dot of gum to your commencement blast. Wait for the gum to go tacky, and then option up the matching imitation nail and printing it into the glue.[6]

    • Apply enough glue so that when you printing the fake boom down, it spreads to the edges of your nail without leaking.
    • Go out a tiny corporeality of space between the faux nail and the smash bed. You don't want to cover up the cuticle.
  3. iii

    Employ double-sided tape if you want a temporary option. Cut a strip of double-sided tape, and stick it over your real nail. Trim the tape down equally needed to fit your nail. Side by side, pick upwardly the matching fake boom, and press it down onto the tape.

    • Be aware that this option is temporary. The nails volition go knocked off easily. It is best for dress-upwardly.
  4. 4

    Echo the process for the residue of your nails. Piece of work 1 boom at a time. If you are using nail glue, consider wrapping strips of scotch record around your fingertips to concur the fake nails downward as they dry. This mode, you tin can work while the other nails are drying. Call back to have the scotch tape off when you lot are washed.

    • If the straws are already the colour you want your nails to be, you are done!
    • The nail glue should take nearly 10 to 15 minutes to dry.


  1. ane

    Use 1 to ii coats of white polish, if needed. Start with 1 coat of white nail shine, so allow it dry. If you can still encounter the straw through the polish, use a 2nd glaze, and permit information technology dry too. This is but necessary if your straw is striped or the incorrect colour, and so you will need to cover it up with white polish first.[7]

    • If your straw is articulate or the right color, you can skip this step.
    • If you don't have nail polish, you can endeavour acrylic pigment. Be aware that the pigment may chip more easily than nail polish.
  2. 2

    Pigment your faux nails as desired. From here, you tin paint the fake nails just similar y'all would your own nails. You can paint the nails a solid color or do some fancy nail art. You tin fifty-fifty layer clear, glittery polish over flat nail polish for a unique event.[8]

    • Use at least 2 coats of smash polish. Let each coat dry out before applying the side by side coat.
    • You can try using acrylic paint, but it may chip.
    • If the straw is striped or an unnatural colour, such as greenish, yous may need to utilize more coats of nail polish to encompass it upwards. Exist certain to paint the underside too.
  3. iii

    Allow the nail polish dry, then apply a top coat, if desired. Since these nails aren't very durable, they may break or autumn off earlier the nail smooth starts to chip. Still, a elevation coat will aid the colour concluding longer and prevent it from chipping. Utilise 1 glaze of top coat to each nail, then let information technology dry.

    • If you used acrylic paint, consider using a clear, acrylic sealer.
  4. 4

    Make clean up the cuticle expanse with nail polish remover, if needed. Dip a small brush or Q-tip into smash polish remover, so employ it to wipe off whatsoever excess smash polish. Focus on the cuticle area, and exist careful not to get any smash polish remover under the harbinger.

  5. 5

    Care for the fake nails with intendance. This is especially of import if you secured the fake nails using double-sided tape. Because they are a DIY culling to professional fake nails, harbinger nails won't be as durable. They can fall off easily, and if they go aptitude, the smooth tin chip off.

    • Nails attached with double-sided tape may come up off within a few hours. If you lot bump them against something, they may pop off right away.
    • Nails attached with nail glue should last a few days.
  6. 6

    Remove the nails with acetone. Fill up a pocket-sized jar with acetone or nail polish remover, then set up it into a bowl filled with hot h2o. Await until the acetone gets warm, then dip your fingertips into it. After well-nigh 45 minutes, y'all should be able to pop the fake nails off. If the acetone is too harsh for you lot, add a few drops of infant oil or mineral oil into the solution kickoff, before you dip your fingers into it.[9]

    • If you take whatever balance on your real fingernails, wipe it off with a cotton ball dipped into acetone.
    • If you attached the nails with double-sided tape, you should exist able to just pop them off. If the tape is stuck to your real nails, only peel information technology off.


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    How do you lot make fake nails with flour?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated information technology for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    You lot can use flour as an alternative to cornstarch to requite fake nails a matte wait. Apply your fake nails as you lot normally would, so put on a coat of articulate smash polish. Encompass your nails with a generous corporeality of flour while the nail polish is notwithstanding wet. Wipe off any excess, await thirty seconds, so apply some other layer of articulate smooth. Repeat this process until you get the desired look, and so rinse your nails in cool water after the polish dries. File the nails to get rid of any rough edges and utilize a topcoat if y'all similar.

  • Question

    Tin can yous make faux nails with hot glue?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by i of our trained team of researchers who validated information technology for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    Wrap a lilliputian chip of parchment paper effectually the barrel of a large pen or a marking, such every bit a sharpie. Apply some coconut oil to the newspaper to keep the glue from sticking, so place some hot gum on top of the paper in roughly the shape of a nail. After the gum cools, peel it off the paper and trim and file information technology into the shape you lot like. Utilize it with blast glue and paint information technology however y'all like!

  • Question

    How do you make fake nails with newspaper?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written past one of our trained squad of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    Take some strips of paper and cut them to the desired shape and size, then wrap them around the barrel of a pen to give them a slight curve. Apply the newspaper nails to your natural nails with blast glue, then coat the top surface with clear school glue. Once it dries, the nail will be hard, and you tin apply polish.

  • Question

    Can I pigment the harbinger to look more than realistic?

    Community Answer

    I've washed it before, then yep. It will work nicely. But I would practice two to 3 coats.

  • Question

    Why do people article of clothing imitation nails?

    Community Answer

    In some cases, information technology's because they like the way they wait or want a particular design that would be hard to practice on their own nails. In other cases, it's because that person's nails are damaged or unable to grow as they as they would like.

  • Question

    How strong are straw nails? Do they bend or break hands?

    Community Answer

    It depends on the kind of straws you are using. Great Value straws from Walmart are a little flimsy, but Chick fil A straws seem to work fine. A thick shake straw is probably all-time.

  • Question

    Is there an alternative to using double tape?

    Community Answer

    Instead of using tape, you can utilize nail polish to your real nails and then stick the fake nails on top.

  • Question

    Should I use glue or record on information technology?

    Community Answer

    Gum works better, but you accept to wait longer for it to dry. If y'all're in a rush, utilise double-sided record.

  • Question

    What can I apply other than nail gum?

    Community Answer

    You can employ the record or put finger nail polish on your real nail kickoff, then put the faux boom on.

  • Question

    What glue do I need to paste my fake nails?

    Community Answer

    Apply adhesive for false nails you can find in the cosmetics section of whatever store.

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  • Button your cuticles back before placing on the fake nails then you do not harm them.

  • Yous tin can remove the fake nails using nail shine remover.

  • Apply hot water to remove the fake nails.

  • Milkshake straws piece of work the best for your nails; they're longer and more durable.

  • Press the nails on for about five minutes if you lot're using clear nail polish and no glue.

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  • Do non use super glue to adhere the nails, every bit it tin can damage your nail a lot and it will be hard to take off.


Things You'll Demand

  • Straws
  • Scissors
  • Boom glue
  • Base coat
  • White nail polish
  • Nail polish (any color)
  • Meridian coat
  • Acetone and cotton wool balls (for removing)

About This Article

Commodity Summary X

To make a set of fake nails out of a straw, commencement, divide a straw open from 1 end to the other with a pair of scissors. So, cut the straw into pieces roughly ½ inch longer than your existent nails. From there, trim each piece of straw to match the width of your nails while rounding the corners to make them look more than realistic. In one case your fake nails are trimmed, place them underneath a heavy book for 2 to 10 minutes to make them uncurl a bit. To use the imitation nails, place some smash mucilage on your boom, await for it to go tacky, then press the fake smash on. For a more temporary pick, attach the simulated nails with double-sided record. To learn more, like how to paint your imitation nails, gyre down.

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